Oculens Document Imaging (DI) Solution Pack is a software bundle for document image separation and split using barcodes. It has four components:
1) Oculens Document Imaging Service locates and recognizes the separating barcodes in the image files located in the input folder, then splits them into image files according to the barcodes by starting with the barcode page. The file name of the separated image file will be identical with the data content of the barcode on the first page in the output folder, and the document will be released to the background systems after performing an optional OCR. As a standard Windows service it serves out enterprise-wide document imaging requirements on demand.
2) Oculens DI ScanStation is a straightforward scanning and document capture desktop application for document collection. By using the software ScanStation, you can subsequently scan your paper documents in a large quantity, and you can create digital copies of the related documents for further processing, simply by using barcodes.
3) Oculens DI Desktop is the simplified version of Oculens DI Service for easy deployment and ad hoc user requirements. Oculens Document Imaging Desktop contains a subset of Oculens Document Imaging Service's possibilities. Thanks to it's obvious and easy operation Oculens Document Imaging Desktop is excellent for ad hoc separating of documents in a Windows desktop environment. more